
Some old circuit collections re-drawn using TinyCad

I tried my hand drawing some old collections using Tinycad, but I need to learn to make the PCBs from these layout [I think from the SCR files?]. Absolutly no idea how to make professional PCBs. I want to make my own Glass Epoxy PCBs. What are the machines required? Cost? If I have money and can buy these machines to make my own PCBs, I would not need to order other companies to make PCBs for me or hiring machines from other companies on rent... It is very easy to make hand-drawn freehand PCB layout using a marker pen on a copper clad board. I made lots of PCBs manually. but what about designing/making a PCBs automatically say from a circuit drawn using Tinycad? I need layman guidance......Are these things taught to diploma engineers, IIT engineers or ITI/Radio Mechanics while they in the high schools?

- Toy Transmitter Instruction Manual [ PDF Version 13 MB Right Click>Save Traget As ]
- Toy Transmitter Instruction Manual [ Doc Version 2.7 MB ]

- HF Broad Band RF Amplifier using BD139
- 40m VFO controlled QRPP TX by VU2SCN
- 25 watts RF linear amplifier using audio transistor IRF 530
- Gate Dip Meter by VU2PPP
- VU2VWN 40m QRP TX RF Amp
- 20 watts RF linear Amp. for 2m by VU2RAR
- BFO by VU2ITI Prof. Mani
- RF QRP Power measurement by Banner Da, VU2BD

Old hand drawn Circuit at

BD139 BB RF Amp
acrobat reader 40m VFO controlled QRPP TX by VU2SCN [349 kb
Right Click>Save Target As ]
Courtesy: Radio-Journal of FARSI, Federation of Amateur Radio Societies of India

40m QRP TX
25 Watts RF Linear Power Amplifier using Audio Transistor IRF 530 :


acrobat reader Gate Dip Meter by VU2PPP [181 kb Right Click>Save Target As]
Courtesy: Ham Radio News
-Journal of Amateur Radio Society of India: Jan/Mar 1995

Gate Dip Meter
acrobat reader VU2VWN 40m QRP TX VFO [2,438 kb Right Click>Save Target As]
Courtesy: Easy to Build HAM RADIO PROJECTS VOL 1
by K.R. Vasantha Kumar, VU2VWN.
Published by Thushar Baby,
Crystal Publications, Cochin 683565

VHF 40m

acrobat reader VU2VWN 40m QRP Transmitter [2,438 kb Right Click>Save Target As]
Courtesy: Easy to Build HAM RADIO PROJECTS VOL 1
by K.R. Vasantha Kumar, VU2VWN.
Published by Thushar Baby,
Crystal Publications, Cochin 683565

40m CW AM TX

acrobat reader 20 Watts RF linear Amplifier for 2m by VU2RAR [82 kb Right Click>Save Target As]
Courtesy: Calcutta VHF Amateur Radio Society Newsletter

RF Amp for 2m
acrobat reader Beat Frequency Oscillator (BFO) by VU2ITI [387 kb Right Click>Save Target As]
Courtesy: Easy to Build HAM RADIO PROJECTS
VOL 1 by Mani T.K., VU2ITI, Published by
Thushar Baby, Crystal Publications, Cochin 683565


acrobat reader RF Power Measurement by Banner Da, VU2BD [100 kb Right Click>Save Target As]
Courtesy: Calcutta VHF Amateur Radio Society Newsletter

QRP RF power